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Info in a Nutshell

EUCONTACT is a NOT-FOR-PROFIT SOCIAL AND EDUCATIONAL COMPANY, with its headquarters in Cork/Ireland and various project-related liaison offices in EUROPE. The offices in the European Single Market operate throughout the duration of the corresponding, ongoing cross- national EU PROJECTS.

We are, what we do: international, European, creative, innovative, sustainable, strong both in the conceptional, as well as in the implementation part.

EUCONTACT focusses on developing and implementing innovative projects, with young people, undertaking a vocational qualification, as main beneficiaries; we target the further development of the vocational education and training / VET sector, meeting the social and political objectives of reducing the gaps between strongly-developed and weakly-developed European regions in the SINGLE EUROPEAN MARKET.

On the one hand, EUCONTACT contributes to developing cross-national co-operations between vocational colleges, based in weakly-developed European regions and companies and public institutions, based in well-developed European regions, thus promoting the cross-national mobility of young people, undertaking an initial vocational qualification/IVT.

On the other hand, EUCONTACT specialises in developing and implementing European, innovative, cross-national projects, aiming at reducing youth unemployment and boosting the employability of young people, based in structurally weakly developed EU regions and contributing to reducing the skilled labour shortage, caused by demographic issues, in structurally highly developed EU regions, by means of promoting cross-national vocational education in Europe.

An overview of our core areas for bid and project development activities in the area of MEDICINE, ICT, FOOD SUPPLY, ENERGY EFFIENCY is available at the section WHAT WE DO

In order to attain the above, EUCONTACT uses, when and as appropriate, EUROPEAN FUNDING PROGRAMMES in the VOCATIONAL EDUCATION, as well as in the SOCIAL POLICY sector.

Our long-term experience with bidding for European funding on behalf of clients, be these public or private education providers, as well as companies and other public institutions, allow us, the team from EUCONTACT, to smoothly operate in the area of developing project applications within the framework of EU Funding Programmes, to duly submit these and subsequently coordinate their implementation.

The EU Funding Programmes we mostly enjoy working with range from ERASMUS+ (mobility in the  initial vocational education and training; strategic partnerships between companies, based in  strongly developed EU regions and vocational education providers, based in less developed EU  regions) via the former ENERGY EFFICIENCY IN BUILDINGS PROGRAMME (INTELLIGENT  ENERGY EUROPE – SAVE) to the current funding programme for RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT (2021 – 2027) HORIZON and DIGITAL EUROPE.

Before joining EUCONTACT, the members of our team worked either with European institutions or with institutions with European activity scope, thus having longtime, comprehensive, hands-on insights into the European funding programmes and a history of successful participation in bids and tendering procedures.

We are international, not only work internationally: as our members of staff originate from various EU countries, we have a good command not only of our clients´ and project partners´ language, but we are also aware of their country-specific mentality and the history of their countries, from a European outlook.

Detailed Info

EUCONTACT currently focusses on developing and implementing innovative projects, matching the social and educational policy objectives of the European Parliament and  European Commission on developing a Common European Educational Area and European Single Labour Market, with young people from weakly-developed European regions as a top beneficiaries.

Our subject areas at heart

Our special, current preference lays on the development and use of strategies and concepts aiming to:

  • fight against and reduce segmented youth unemployment;
  • fight against and prevent poverty of young people, originating from weakly developed EU regions;
  • create socially reasonable work conditions for young people, from weakly developed EU regions, who work in the SINGLE EUROPEAN MARKET, away from their home country.

One of our priorities is to boost the employability of young people from structurally weakly developed EU regions

EUCONTACT develops and implements European, cross-national co-operations between employers, be these companies or public institutions and vocational education institutions, for tackling together common problems in the area of employment, vocational education and social cohesion between weakly and highly developed EU regions.

EUCONTACT operates in the EUROPEAN SINGLE MARKET, as common EU LABOUR MARKET and common EU EDUCATIONAL AREA, promoting mobility in the initial vocational education and training / IVT and boosting the employability of young people, originating from poor regions in Europe. Poor or weakly developed EU regions often feature a HIGH QUOTA of young people, LACKING CAREER PROSPECTS, with a HIGH RISK OF POVERTY in the respective weakly- developed EU regions.

One of our priorities is to boost the employability of young people from structurally weakly developed EU regions

EUCONTACT develops and implements European, cross-national co-operations between employers, be these companies or public institutions and vocational education institutions, for tackling together common problems in the area of employment, vocational education and social cohesion between weakly and highly developed EU regions.

EUCONTACT operates in the EUROPEAN SINGLE MARKET, as common EU LABOUR MARKET and common EU EDUCATIONAL AREA, promoting mobility in the initial vocational education and training / IVT and boosting the employability of young people, originating from poor regions in Europe. Poor or weakly developed EU regions often feature a HIGH QUOTA of young people, LACKING CAREER PROSPECTS, with a HIGH RISK OF POVERTY in the respective weakly-developed EU regions.

A bespoke MATCHING shall, on the one hand, whittle down the skilled labour shortage and, on the other hand, reduce the segmented youth unemployment in Europe

EUCONTACT can provide interested companies/public institutions in structurally developed EU REGIONS with international networks/cooperation opportunities, carefully grown and practically tested through projects over many years, be these public or private vocational education and training / VET providers (initial vocational education and training / IVT), based in less developed EU regions of the SINGLE EUROPEAN MARKET. This is also valid for the EU candidate countries in the Balkans and Eastern Europe.


Our approach, through dedicated cross-national MATCHING STRATEGIES, allows for projects, contributing to decreasing, on the one hand, the segmented youth unemployment in specific occupations and, on the other hand, help to reduce the skilled labour shortage for these vocational qualifications.

European cross-national vocational education is one of our goals

In addition to the above, EUCONTACT develops and practically implements strategies and concepts for a European cross-national vocational education, for a sustainable reduction of social disparities between poor and well-off regions in the European Single Market, targeting mainly young Europeans, aged between 18 and 35.





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