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Info in a Nutshell

For many years now, EUCONTACT´s team has been providing bespoke, hands-on training to IVT providers and companies in various EU countries, both on the topics of BID / PROJECT APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT and IMPLEMENTATION of projects funded by various European funding programmes, combining cross-national vocational education and training with reducing youth unemployment AND HARD-TO-FILL VACANCIES.

This professional background has allowed EUCONTACT over the past couple of years, also spanning the Corona pandemics period, to conceive and mature, within our EDUMATCHING, EUMATCHING and JOBMOBILITY project schemes, various strategies of MATCHING young people from less developed EU regions, undertaking initial vocational training with companies/public institutions, based in highly developed EU regions, struggling with growing numbers of HARD-TO-FILL-VACANCIES.

Detailed Info

Priority subject areas

Segmented youth unemployment in Europe, fight against poverty, demographic change, cross-national VET, career guidance at EU level for young people, based in structurally less developed EU regions and the development of the EU LABOUR MARKET and EU EDUCATIONAL AREA are our priority subject areas.

In detail, EUCONTACT develops and pilots strategies and concepts related to the following subject areas below:


EUCONTACT analyses the trends in EUROPE, with regards to the European Labour Market and European Educational Area, on the topics of employability and integration of migrant young people, with a vocational qualification acquired in weakly developed EU regions.

We lay our emphasis on analysing the trends in the labour market and pertaining to vocational education in the Single European Market, both in structurally weakly, as well as strongly developed European regions. We focus especially on the developments and trends for young people in structurally weakly developed EU regions, as well as on the demographic trends in structurally strongly developed EU regions.

Another point of interest is examining the demographic trends in Europe, especially pertaining to the cohort of young people, living in structurally weakly developed European regions. Realizing and understanding these developments are the foundation for a better prediction of the national and European development options in the European Labour Market and within the European Eduicational Area.

In this context, with innovative approaches, EUCONTACT contributes to the implementation of the European policies and related funding opportunities by means of European Programmes, such as ERASMUS+ for young people, undertaking IVT in underdeveloped EU regions, for better career prospects in the domestic and European labour market.


EUCONTACT facilitates the cross-national communication within Europe, between companies / public institutions and stakeholders, operating in the IVT sector, facilitating an innovative, cross-national vocational education, with novel impulses for the Single European Labour Market, allowing for a transnational development and recruitement of young staff in EUROPE, promoting the transition from education to the world of work at European level, between structurally underdeveloped and strongly developed EU regions in EUROPE.


Due to its long-term project activity, EUCONTACT has a wide European network of institutions operating in the IVT sector, based especially in structurally underdeveloped EU regions.

This allows EUCONTACT to bring together companies/public institutions from developed EU regions and IVT providers from less developed EU regions, within the framework of the MATCHING approach, targeting young people, fresh graduates of a vocational qualification, in structurally underdeveloped EU regions, in the form of cross-national co-operations in the IVT and labour market sector – see EUMATCHING and EDUMATCHING.

This MATCHING, as outlined above, can be put into practice either by accessing funding through EUropean Funding Programmes or without this funding by means of CROSS-NATIONAL COPERATIONS in the single European market, as both EUROPEAN LABOUR MARKET and COMMON EUROPEAN EDUCATIONAL AREA, within the framework of our service schemes EUMATCHING and EDUMATCHING.

In addition to the international EU projects, contributing to the innovative development of the EU LABOUR MARKET and SINGLE EU EDUCATIONAL AREA, EUCONTACT can also operate in the EU candidate countries (in the Balkan region, as well as in the Ukraine in the nearest future), fostering their membership in the European Community, by developing innovative educational and labour-market oriented projects for young people with a vocational qualification, originating, under this scheme, from underdeveloped regions, as well.

Hence, here again, we shall place in the foreground the CROSS-NATIONAL MATCHING of young people in IVT from structurally underdeveloped EU regions with companies/public institutions from developed EU regions.

European Funding Programmes

EUCONTACT provides bespoke, hands-on training on bid/project application development and submission to access EU funding within the framework of EU Funding Programmes, such as ERASMUS+ in subject areas linked to IVT (initial vocational training) and labour market to promote enhanced employability and mobility in Europe for young people, holding a graduation certificate for a vocational qualification.

Built upon the previously mentioned activity scope, a further activity is the development and submission of own innovative bids/project applications, with EUCONTACT as applicant, for a partial or total funding by the EU Structural Programmes, aiming to eradicate the disparities / low cohesion in the Single European Market, benefitting mainly young people, with a vocational qualification, envisaging the social and economic convergence between weakly developed and powerful regions in the EUROPEAN Single market.

With a history of long-term experience as bid/project application developer within EU FUNDING PROGRAMMES, EUCONTACT provides bespoke, hands-on training also on topics related to ENERGY EFFICIENCY, ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION, medical as well as ICT area within the framework of the HORIZON, GREEN DEAL  and DIGITAL EUROPE  EU Funding Programme for international consortia.

Besides the bespoke, hands-on training provision activity, EUCONTACT actively participates in European consortia, as Lead or Partner, working together with cross-national partner institutions to put in practice these innovative concepts, funded by the European Union.



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